Our Initiatives

The world is ready for something big.

People everywhere are ready for action.

We’ve talked to communities of people all over the world, young and old—businesses, cities, entertainers, artists, athletes—that are demanding we repair and rebuild our natural world, and are looking for ways to contribute in a meaningful way.

Unbelievable technology exists to deliver at scale.

We see a confluence of technologies like AI, Big Data, robotics, and 3D printing that are ready to serve ocean restoration at scale. They offer us a planetary perspective and guide how we approach restoration action for maximum impact.

The power to shape the world is in our pockets.

We see that people make things happen in the real world, in real-time with direct, specific, and personal agency, by tapping on a device in the palm of their hand. We can create ways for people to use these tools to rebuild our world.

What we’re building

Strategic Objective:
Build Mission Control for the Oceans

Ocean Central

Ocean regeneration requires science and technology—hard evidence to make tough decisions and to guide effective action to reach our goal of restoring abundant oceans by 2050.

In collaboration with WAVE and ODE Partners, Ocean Central is being built as a mission control center to monitor, report, and verify our collective efforts to restore our oceans—and inspire more.

The oceans are expansive, and the data on oceans is equally expansive. The challenge and opportunity for Ocean Central is to design a simple, intuitive interface that pulls together hundreds— potentially thousands—of datasets to inform decisions at the intersection of conservation, economics, science, and human rights.

Strategic Objective:
Build Mission Control for the Oceans

Mission Control
for the Oceans

Launching late
October 2024

Strategic Objective:
Power Collective Action

Blue Cities Alliance

Blue Cities Alliance is a coalition of innovative government and business leaders in all stages of their conservation journeys working together to inspire productive action.

Launching 2025

The case for a regenerative Blue economy is clear. Cities investing in healthy coastal ecosystems and urban marine waterways can get a 5x return on economic, health, and environmental benefits. We are building an alliance of leaders for Blue Cities around the world — to learn from scientists and innovators, and engage everyone.

Blue Cities Alliance members will extend knowledge and share best practices for developing viable marine restoration project portfolios, new scientific breakthroughs, measurable local data, and public engagement strategies.

Blue Cities Alliance

Blue Cities Alliance will initially focus on two core offerings: 


Climate Leadership
Action Tour

Coast To Coast is an experiential tour in 15 cities providing a day of discovery for leaders, meetings with technology innovators, public cultural events, and filmed stories to highlight local heroes.

Blue Cities
Global Observatory

Next-Gen Digital Dashboard

Global Observatory is a next-gen data dashboard using big data and AI to monitor marine restoration projects, visualize impact, promote ocean conservation, and accelerate progress.

Learn how you can join Blue Cities Alliance or become a brand sponsor.
Email: erich@oceans2020.com

Strategic Objective:
Advance Restoration Technology

Global Seaweed Project

We are publishing a groundbreaking global study, led by Prof. Carlos Duarte, currently being peer-reviewed by Nature. Based on that study, we are developing the first voluntary carbon protocol for seaweed farming.

In a global network of leading seaweed scientists and over 27,000 farmers across 5 continents, the project quantifies permanent carbon sequestration and assesses the social and biodiversity impacts of seaweed farming.

The project was awarded the Keeling Curve Prize in 2021 and led to a partnership with WWF to aid and encourage the growth of the seaweed industry. In collaboration with WWF, we created a series of films to highlight stories about people and communities that benefit from seaweed farming.

A farmer from Ocean Farmers, a participating farm in Madagascar

Aerial view of a participating nori seaweed farm in Japan

Strategic Objective:
Advance Restoration Technology
Power Collective Action

Taking Coral Restoration
to the Future

We are building a diverse alliance to pilot breakthrough technologies that will accelerate the construction and restoration of resilient, high-complexity living reefs at speed and scale, ensuring they can thrive in the oceans of the future.

With partners like Ocean Revive and Natrx, we are combining technologies such as mobile coral labs that grow microchipped corals, 3D-printed carbon-negative reef structures, and advanced tools for virtual planning, reef monitoring, and financial ecosystem valuation modeling.

For partners committed to transforming bare sand into thriving reefs, we are creating the tools to engage the public in restoration efforts—empowering anyone to become an active participant.

Sebastian Schmidt-Roach and Professor Manuel Aranda inspect the health of their sample coral specimens growing on their patented Maritechture structure